Be@rbrick 101
Designer toys, collectables, works of art, fashion items, no matter what you call them, Bearbricks (or Be@rbricks as its trademark) are a must-have for any respectable collector. Their uniqueness lies in their exclusivity; only a limited production is made twice a year, making Bearbricks sought-after worldwide by children and adults alike. Another contributing factor is the brand’s collaborations with famous artists and designers, which boost their selling price at auctions and online resell websites, reaching several thousand for rare designs.
But what is all the hype about?
Bearbrick, a creation of Japanese Tatsuhiko Akashi and his company Medicom Toy, made its debut in 2001 and gradually became a stable for toy collectors and collectables enthusiasts in general. A Bearbrick is usually made of plastic and consists of nine parts: a bear face with ears, a torso with a potbelly, hips, legs, arms and hands. Medicom Toy releases a new series twice a year, and each series features the following categories:

BASIC: Nine figures in solid colours, each bearing a letter of the word Bearbrick on its torso, in contrasting colours. 
FLAG: A Bearbrick featuring a country’s flag.
CUTE: A Bearbrick embodying the concept of cuteness.
JELLYBEAN: A Bearbrick made of translucent plastic in solid, gradient or various colours.
HORROR: As the title suggests, the inspiration behind this Bearbrick is films or characters related to the horror genre, like Frankenstein or Dracula.
ANIMAL: A Bearbrick in the shape of an animal.
PATTERN: A Bearbrick featuring any kind of pattern.
SF (SCIENCE FICTION): Drawing from science fiction, this Bearbrick could be anything from an astronaut to an anime character like Evangelion Eva. 
ARTIST: Two different Bearbricks were designed by two different artists, like the famous figures designed by artists Kaws or Takashi Murakami.
HERO: Bearbricks are inspired by the DC comics superheroes like Batman or X-Men.
There is also the Secret category featuring rare designs and sometimes secret collaborations with artists and designers. Series 43, Secret Bearbrick, was Netflix-themed.
Some Bearbricks are not intended for sale, like the Chanel 1000% Bearbrick designed by Karl Lagerfeld, which mostly graced the Chanel storefronts and was given as a gift. It is now a rare, precious and very expensive find coveted by all Bearbrick aficionados.

Adding to the Bearbrick mystery is their packaging; they are sold in blind boxes with rarity percentages according to their category.

Bearbricks come in different sizes or percentages, starting from 50% (3.5cm) and reaching 1000% (70cm). 
The Bearbrick series comes in 100% size, while the 400% and 1000% sizes are the most desired by collectors. Other sizes are available as well, depending on their function, such as the world’s tallest Bearbrick 8000%, which is 5.6 meters high and graces the Ruffles City Singapore. 
 SIZE                      DIMENSIONS
   50%                      3.50 CM
   70%                      5.00 CM
  100%                      7.00 CM
  200%                      14.50 CM
  400%                      28.00 CM
 1000%                      70.00 CM
Bearbricks have been around for more than 20 years, and it is certain that their appeal will not go out of style any time soon. Their design and colours are ever-changing and reflect the changes in fashion, art and culture of the time, and the collaborations with influential artists and designers contributed to that.
So what are you waiting for? Pick your favourite themes and sizes and start collecting! Follow and like our Instagram account for a chance to win one of our limited edition collectable Be@rbricks. Discover all Bearbrick series and more at our site:

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Explore the intersection of contemporary fashion and design with Bearbrics, the premier destination for Bearbrick enthusiasts. Dive deep into a curated collection of Bearbrick photographs that showcase the latest trends and artistic expressions in the designer toy realm. Whether you're an avid collector or just discovering the Bearbrick world, Bearbrics provides insights, style inspirations, and a visual feast that captures the essence of modern design. Enhance your understanding of fashion-forward art and design by immersing yourself in our vast Bearbrick gallery. Bookmark Bearbrics for regular updates and be part of a community that celebrates the fusion of fashion, art, and the unparalleled allure of Bearbricks.Available at
“Ο κώλος ο τιτσίρος είδεν το βρακίν τζαι χεστείν” “The naked butt saw the underwear, and it shit itself.” Η φράση “Ο κώλος ο τιτσίρος είδεν το βρακίν τζαι χεστείν” είναι κυπριακή παροιμία που χρησιμοποιείται για να περιγράψει κάποιον που, ενώ δεν έχει τα μέσα ή την ικανότητα, προσπαθεί να επιδείξει κάτι που δεν του ταιριάζει ή δεν μπορεί να υποστηρίξει. Συγκεκριμένα, αναφέρεται σε άτομα που προσπαθούν να παρουσιάσουν μια εικόνα ανώτερη από αυτήν που πραγματικά είναι, με αποτέλεσμα να γελοιοποιούνται. Η λέξη “τζίρος” στην κυπριακή διάλεκτο σημαίνει “στριμμένος” ή “στραβός”, ενώ “βρακίν” είναι το υποκοριστικό του “βρακί”, δηλαδή το εσώρουχο. Η παροιμία, λοιπόν, περιγράφει έναν στραβό κώλο που, όταν είδε το εσώρουχο, φοβήθηκε ή ντράπηκε, υποδηλώνοντας την ακαταλληλότητα ή την ανικανότητα κάποιου να ανταποκριθεί σε μια κατάσταση. The Cypriot saying “Ο κώλος ο τιτσίρος είδεν το βρακίν τζαι χεστείν” translates to “The naked butt saw the underwear, and it shit itself.” This expression describes someone who, despite lacking the means or ability, tries to present themselves in a way that doesn’t suit them or that they can’t support, often leading to embarrassment or ridicule. It highlights the incongruity between one’s actual state and one's pretensions—someone who is metaphorically “naked” (lacking something) yet reacts in fear when confronted with the very thing they should need (the underwear). It is often used to mock or criticize people who pretend to be more capable or superior than they actually are without having the necessary skills, resources, or qualifications to back it up. This type of humour and satire is common in Cypriot and Greek proverbs, which often use earthy and exaggerated imagery to convey deeper truths about human nature and social behaviour.
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